Monday, September 20, 2010

New Transportation Group

On Monday, September 20, 2010, Bob Duncanson and I met with representatives from Sacandaga, NY, headed by Mary Ann Evans. The luncheon meeting was hosted by the CRIS (Community Resources for Independent Seniors) group of Cazenovia, headed by Bonnie Slocum. Bob and I had previously met with the CRIS group to furnish them with information and suggestions when they were first getting started, and they felt that we might be helpful to the Sacandaga group.

The new group is primarily concentrating on transportation, but their function will not duplicate our F-M FISH group's operation, due to their geographic situation (they are primarily rural), but we shared with them how we operate and addressed some of their concerns, especially that of risk. (We learned that they do not have an RSVP group available to them).

The CRIS operation seemed to be more like what the new group will face, and the CRIS people contributed their information and advice.

As we always do, we offered our continuing help when and if needed.

Ken Henry

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